Progressive Contactors
RPE Contracting, Inc.
Staff Electric
- DCI™ & TPAC™ : company-wide usage of the two newest tools in the WEM® suite, allowing visibility to their pipeline, backlog, and project financials. This full transparency does put an end to “Horse Trading”, but it’s more rewarding to learn from true performance gaps and compete with system-level data.
- Kaizen events:
- Branch Kaizen: maintenance and monitoring of the process developed and implemented in 2020, which saved nearly 10%, using Agile Construction® data to drive problem solving on the company’s biggest field productivity losses.
- Change Orders: referencing data from JPAC® over the past 3 years that MCA analyzed to show that change orders cost money that isn’t recovered, the Project Management Design Team led a Kaizen event to fix that problem.
- Budget: Staff enters their 3rd year of having a company-wide budget, expected to be one of the few contractors to use a Dynamic Budgeting process in 2022 to align the company’s financial management to real-time events.
- Prefab: despite the growing pains of becoming professional, Staff continues to lead the pack with its innovation in both strategy and execution. Strategy sessions are between Prefab and the foreman reviewing the project layout and design, focusing on the needs and timing of the project. This allows the foremen to utilize the company database on prefabrication to develop optimum solutions for the project.
Lemberg Electric
Lemberg Electric has made major headway in their progress towards their strategic focus of expanded education and practice of Agile Construction® principles within the company. To summarize their accomplishments to date:
- Project Scheduling and Project Management training: Most recently, senior leadership at Lemberg Electric committed to a two-phase training customized by MCA, to enhance the organizational and managerial skills for their project managers, project support staff, and field leaders.
- Company-wide expansion of Agile Construction® principles continues to be a priority for the company. Through the new engagement of their Signs Division, and continued immersion of Service managers and field personnel, more of the company’s field and project support personnel are able to operate with Agile methods and tools.
- Prefab: Lemberg has begun transitioning the layout and operation of the prefabrication shop to a fully functioning part of their project fulfillment process. Following MCA’s assessment and layout recommendation for prefab, MCA is working with Lemberg Electric’s prefab managers to improve prefab processes from prefab identification, classification, and ordering to prefab shop capacity planning, production schedules, and on-site delivery. The focused effort on prefab will help Lemberg to support prefab on larger projects and to expand prefab usage across the entire company.
Allfab Electric
By name, Allfab Electric in Omaha, NE seems new, but in reality, it’s a continuation of Kevin Lytle’s passion for Prefabrication, and one of the most tenured practitioners of Agile Construction®. This is not your ‘normal’ contracting company. Allfab will work to create safer work environments by maximizing prefabrication and working towards the Industrialization of Construction®. Companies can work with Allfab Electric for their prefabrication needs as a standalone supplier. Allfab Electric is aiming to be a construction megacenter. Reach out to Kevin at ((402) 510-2379), or visit their website at ( to find out more.
Electric Company of Omaha
Dixie Electric, Plumbing, and Air
- Consistent quarterly Project Status Reviews (PSR’s), a version of MCA, Inc.’s recommended project audit process to understand the job and its risks going forward at every 25% increment
- Prefab expansion, by bringing in one of the best field foremen to augment Michael Jones’ work in getting the shop up and running. Michael’s learning and implementation after attending multiple MCA Agile Classes, Symposiums, and visiting other Agile Practitioners is a model to be followed.
- Usage of MCA, Inc.’s “CFO for Rent”, led by Jennifer Daneshgari, as a service bringing MCA, Inc.’s experience and interest in its customers’ financial success to companies that may not need a “full time CFO” but can rely on Jennifer and the team to complement the existing financial managers’ work and responsibilities.
- Embarking on a deeper relationship with Mayer (soon to become part of Rexel), to leverage each other’s strengths to reduce the cost of providing construction to end users. John & Noble Yelverton and Wes Smith (Mayer President and MCA CEO Forum member ) evaluated their commitment to each other that started in early 2021 and plan to expand the relationship on pilot projects yet this year.
Work Environment Management LLC certified as Women's Business Enterprise
Oregon Electric Group (OEG) joins the WEM, LLC family as of November 2021, with a pilot project utilizing JPAC® and SIS®.
Frischhertz Electric out of New Orleans is demonstrating greater usage of the Agile Construction® Tools to actively manage dozens of jobs. The company increasingly uses the tools on smaller jobs with fewer labor hours. No job is too small! One hour of planning can save up to 18 hours in the field – a huge saving for small jobs!All-Brite Electric out of West Haven, Connecticut continues their Agile Construction® journey. All-Brite has invested in the additional Agile Support package which means support on job reviews and more tailored guidance on the tools. The next steps for them will be continuity of the tools within the team and sharing the benefits of the Buy-Track-Save® model across the company and on more jobs.
CEO Interview Summary
The job of a CEO is all-consuming, intense and complex – spanning across a variety of organizational topics and involving a wide array of stakeholders. Hence, time is the resource of acute scarcity for every CEO, and the way CEOs allocate their time and prioritize their involvement is crucial for the success and sustainability of the company. Despite the significant economic and social importance and contributions that many private businesses and their CEOs across the U.S. have, the majority of research has been performed with executives and CEOs of public companies.
MCA’s R&D Department initiated a research in 2021 to investigate “CEO Success” in smaller and privately-held companies, as a service to the CEO Forum that was initiated by Dr. Perry in 2015. Here are the premises of the investigation:
- The CEO’s work is often not understood or visible
- Although CEO’s are in rare company with each other, they are not alone and could use an interface to learn from each other
- The CEO-Forum was built to focus on the position, not the person; what are the key traits that lead to CEO success?
- Investigate and use results to benefit closed companies
After mapping all members of the CEO Forum, MCA R&D developed the lowest common denominators of CEO behaviors and how those map to personal, company, and society success. We have developed a CEO Litmus Test that allows CEO’s to position themselves and potential future leaders for their organizations.
Contact us to learn more about the research study and if you are interested in participating in an interview. We will be working through the CEO Forum to publish a white paper of the full study results through MCA R&D.
MCA Symposium 2021/2022 Highlights and Completion of the "Data Driven" Series
- Categorize
- Quantify
- Measure
- Validate
Which leads us to our Spring 2022 Symposium, focusing on Path to Industrialization: Data Driven Closure of a Job we will help you navigate topics like Improving your Cashflow for future jobs based on data, gaining long term benefits for future jobs, and being able to reduce all three types of risk.
2022 Symposium Flyer Click here.
To learn more about upcoming events please visit our website frequently.
Research Corner
How Industrialized is Construction?
As part of our 2020 research project, MCA, Inc. developed an “Industrialization Index” and Self-Evaluation questionnaire that allows companies to evaluate their own status of industrialization. The Industrialization Index Self-Evaluation is a 15-question assessment to determine the degree of industrialization (score between 0 and 100%) along the five steps of industrialization. The questionnaire evaluates which and how frequent certain practices, measurements, or operational models are applied within an organization, and creates an individual score for each of the five steps as well as an overall industrialization score based on the given answers. The score can help companies locate where the currently stand on the spectrum from traditional, transitional, and industrial, and help identify the areas for improvement towards industrialization.Read about a detailed discussion of the Industrialization of Construction® in our upcoming publication “How Industrialized Are You? Measuring Your Company’s Progress” in CFMA Building Profits Magazine (Nov./Dec. 2021), or contact us directly with any questions about the Industrialization Index Self-Evaluation.
Research Projects
a. “What’s Next after Prefab?” – A focus group study for ELECTRI
In the first quarter of 2021, MCA conducted a new format for ELECTRI International research in form of a Focus Group. We facilitated a focus group discussion on “What’s Next after Prefab?” After conducting so many studies on Prefab, ELECTRI asked us to investigate where its members truly stand today and then guide a forward-looking session that would help the participants see the gap of where they are today vs. “What’s Next.” Approximately 34 registrants expressed interest in joining the discussion, representing a cross-section of large and small electrical contractors across the country, including distributors and manufacturers who also joined to represent the supply chain.
In essence, the industry, driven by owners and end users, is demanding an increased amount of work to be done using prefabrication, increased quality in the prefabrication process, and a significant increase in the demand for planning and coordination across trades facilitated with enhanced use of BIM tools and standardized quality controls in an extended multi-trade prefab environment. This future environment will be based on the principles of Externalizing Work® but will look very different as complete systems and subsystem fabrication replaces simple assemblies, and as multi-trade coordinated fabrication planning, assembly and installation become the expected norm.
The final report from the focus group is forthcoming, and a brief highlight is now available through our CFMA Channel, in an article just published this week that we will be posting to our website soon.
b. Industrialization of Construction®: Signal or Noise? Threat or Promise?
MCA’s 2020 research project “Industrialization of Construction®: Signal or Noise? Threat or Promise?” investigates how Industrialization will continue to unfold in construction and provides a means of getting and staying ahead. During the research, MCA, Inc. developed a guidebook and two self-assessments to help contractors to move forward on the trajectory towards Industrialization.
• Get the Research Report: Click here.• Contact us for any questions
c. Estimating with and Pricing of Prefabrication
Contractors need a practical way to quantify the benefits and cost-saving potentials of prefab. A Prefabrication Calculator will help contractors translate the total savings from prefab and Externalizing Work® into an equivalent composite rate as a practical method for “pricing” estimates with prefab to provide owners and estimators a way to account for prefab when bidding new work. This deep-dive prefab study focuses on risk mitigation, higher predictability of cost, quality of work, and profits.
• Get the Research Report: Click here.
• Contact us for any questions about the prefab or the research study
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- EC&M Jobsite Intelligence (June): Invisible Decisions – Part 2: The article summarizes the extend of lack of visibility in job-related issues and decision-making by pointing out that field personnel experience twice as many obstructions in performing their daily work as managers realize. The article offers step-by-step guidelines for uncovering the hidden issues that kill job productivity and demoralize field personnel.
- CFMA Building Profits (July/August) – SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTION: Are You in the Construction or Logistics Business?: This article will explain various procurement models, their advantages and disadvantages, and their requirements for success.
- EC&M Jobsite Intelligence (August) – How to Maximize Your Money with Change Orders: In this article we summarize our research with industry partners on derailing the original project schedule and flow, not recognizing and reporting these changes promptly, and extra labor costs that’s consumed by existing labor overage or productivity losses already present in the original scope of work.
- CFMA Building Profits (September/October) – Are Preventers the Real Heros? Preventing Risk Pragmatically with Data: This article will review a reliable process of risk management in the construction industry and help you build a system to measure, correct, and project to reduce the risk of unknown outcomes.
"Well done! We’ve certainly seen the benefits of the systematic planning and processes throughout all phases of construction and cost projections since we first started working with MCA. In many ways our risk mitigation is drastically better than it was within the last 10 years. There are simply far fewer surprises at the end of the job than there used to be! Keep up the good work!" ~ Mike Regan, FB Harding Inc.
- IEC Insights (September/October) – Change Orders- A Curse or a Blessing?: This article will highlight change orders and how to use change orders to your advantage by identifying the three risks that are associated with change orders, how to create a change order checklist and how to reduce the risk that is associated with change orders.
- EC&M Jobsite Intelligence (October): Pitfalls of Owner Supplied Material: This article outlines the three models of procurement that has been identified through industry research, as well as the three types of risk that you are trying to manage on a job.
- CFMA SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTION: Are You in the Construction or Logistics Business? Read what Fred B Sargent, President of Great Service Forums, had to say about our recent article, published in the August issue of CFMA magazine.
“This is packed with so much knowledge that, if a college or university were delivering it, they’d make it into a two-semester course! It’s worth reading word‐for‐word to avoid missing something, there’s simply so much to it. Luckily, that describes the reading technique of most finance and accounting people. This is a seminal article about the real nature of construction in 2021. It begs for a sequel.” ~ Fred B. Sargent, President of Great Service Forums
Visit our MCA publication section to view and read all of our latest articles and publications (and more)!
- Agile Construction® Books: Click here!
- Industrialization of Construction® Books Click here!
- New Book Preview: Agile Methods for Continuous Improvement
We are excited to announce that our MCA team is working on a new addition to the series of MCA’s Agile Construction® Books.
The new book titled “Agile Methods for Continuous Improvement” builds on the Agile Construction® Principles and provide insights into the required supporting structure for Agile Companies and guide through the fundamentals and How-Tos of process design and process improvements.
Outreach Corner
Building off our virtual course offerings we are starting to transition back into face-to-face class offerings for 2021 and hopefully more in 2022. We continue to offer our most popular Agile Construction® 101 and 201 Workshops virtually for ease of participation across the nation. To date, we have hosted more than 18 individual workshops and classes during the first three quarters of 2021 with nearly 250 electricians, prefab managers, project managers, and executives participating in our education program.
We continue to offer a large variety of courses throughout the year ranging from our most popular Agile Construction® or Project Scheduling Workshops. We are also always updating and expanding our education program and course offerings. Our new classes and workshops in 2021 are:
- Agile Construction® 301
- Project Support Agile Construction®
- Agile Construction® for Executives
- Prefabrication and Externalizing Work®